A new platform for Millennials - LinkedIn??????


By introducing video, helping posts go viral and adding a bunch of new features, LinkedIn is the new stomping ground for young professionals. #StudentVoices

Personal Branding for Students

Students like me are busy people, I work, take classes, and barely have time to go on social media; as every free minute I'm studying.

However, LinkedIn Campus Editors can now more than ever share the value of LinkedIn as a way to develop your voice to the rest of the student population.

Not all of us are image-centric, some of us just want to get down to business as students.

Students are ambitious people, as young professionals we'll take any edge we can get! I don't mean to sound mean, but for many of us, Instagram is just a waste of time. It has no relevance to our future.

The unthinkable just happend, LinkedIn is now a more meaningful alternative.

Posts Just Got Emotional

By August, 2017 many of us will have access to new tools that will make LinkedIn more friendly to its growing mobile segment of users.

Too lazy to make videos or long-form articles? Me too. People are posting now (an update) that hacks the emotion of micro-content. Being authentic, real and vulnerable never felt so cathartic online.

The most viral posts are the most human, this makes sense on some intuitive level, right? 

Oddly it's those meaningful conversations and human-centric moments that people really resonate with, and that CAN matter most to your career. 

The insane amount of innovation and new features is nothing short of an UX upgrade designed for Millennials.

More Data Centric

I'm interested in data and analytics. An an intern, I've had the opportunity to help boost companies online and manage their LinkedIn corporate page. The analytics upgrades are full-stop, amazing.

However, this also includes our own posts, articles and people viewing us. It's a non-stop assault of fun numbers.

Being able to personalize our feed and see/not see different kinds of notifications is essential and makes the LinkedIn experience more enjoyable.

You Can Customize Notifications

I have not experimented with video sharing yet, but in addition to being able to post up to nine images in one post...video will be enjoyable to get to know people in your network and for those influencers, syndicated or independent growth-hackers.

Key Takeaway:

LinkedIn is no longer that boring place for old people, and to think this all happend after Microsoft acquired it, makes me smile. 

For the specs on LinkedIn's new summer look, check it out.

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